Sunday, June 14, 2009

Another week, another update--Quick Overview of Week 4

June 6th, 2009 (journal entry)

Because my Internet is unavailable, I will record my days in this. Then, I will transfer these thoughts to my online blog (here). Even if it's late, at least it's shared.

With one week down and another coming upon us, I'm quickly seeing how much I need the Word of God daily. Your spirit tires quickly when you're being used by God. It's like being filled at night, emptying in the day, then being filled again in the evening. A vicious cycle, but one I'm happy to be in.
The first batch of churches were so great. I got to work with some women named Mrs. Doris, Pat, Elizabeth, Melissa and her five children. They blessed us so much and really helped kick Kid's Club into gear. The week flew by and too soon, they had to leave on Thursday. During the week, 25 kids came to Bible club and four of those accepted Christ into their hearts. It was awesome and was a confirmation that I'm supposed to be doing what I'm doing here. My prayer is that it continues to grow and we have even more kids come and learn about Jesus.
This next batch has a lot of college kids, which I'm very happy about. I'm looking forward to what God's gonna do. My prayer is Romans 15:5-6, that we'll be unified in one heart and mind in order to serve Jesus efficiently and bring praise to His Name.
I'm ready for this week to get started!

Got back from devotions! It was such a great time of fellowship. The missionaries are reading Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. We are also reading Ephesians. Some questions came up about predestination and who has been chosen by God. (That was fun...) We had some people's beliefs and, most importantly, Scripture shared which was pretty sweet. I love hearing about what other people believe and seeing if it matches with mine. If it doesn't match with mine, most of the time I'll try and mentally back up what they say with Scripture. If there's no Scripture backing, no dice...

Now that my journal writings have been caught up, allow me to regale to you, faithful readers, of what God has done through this past week. As I've already stated, last week was college kid week. It was so great to be around people my own age. Five or so came with Taira and me to Kid's Club. At first, I think they were a little uncertain as to how to act around the kids. There were so many; about 14 came on Monday. By Thursday, there were like 20 kids. The group just took about a few hours to get used to the hussle and bustle that's kid's club. By the end of Monday, everyone was pretty comfortable. The guys were such a blessing. We have a few adolescent boys who faithfully attend. I was so happy there were three guys, one being a guitarist so he could entertain the kids through song. The kids need a positive male while at kid's club. The boys want to rough house. Taira and I don't rough house. I have three brothers and know how they act, but that's totally different. No, we need male role models. We're working on getting Jason and David to help out...Anyway, two of the 20 accepted Jesus on Thursday when the steps to salvation were given.
Other than that, when Thursday roled around, I was very sad to see the groups go. They were one of the largest but one of the best groups I think we'll work with. Everyone was so willing to help and so fun to be around. I'm gonna miss my group.

This week we only have 28 people. Very small group and they've been here before so they pretty much know AO's deal. It should be an easy week, but let's see what God gives us.

Oh, be on the lookout for some pictures. Some of us went to the lake on Saturday. Also, Nichole, Michelle and I tie-dyed some t-shirts. We're going through a hippie phase. Hiking and talking to Grandmother Willow is in order during the summer. Okay, maybe Grandmother Willow will just be me. We'll see =)

I'll update every week. Keep reading!


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