With Kid's Club finished you would think we're in the clearing. The BAT girls could do some sorting, cleaning, and basically keep to themselves until the end of the week. Not so, says the Lord. Every day in that ministry center, we get people who would love to open up to someone. All they need are listening ears and the right questions asked.
For instance, a woman came into the center today and she was just shopping. I was pulling empty hangers, doing a basically normal job. She comes into my aisle and I asked her how she was and she said she was good. The conversation ended. "Okay," I thought, "This is awkward. We're both in the aisle and we aren't talking. Let's get her talking!" So I asked how her day was going. She goes on to tell me she just found out today that her boyfriend of three weeks was using her to cheat on his girlfriend. She said "He made me feel so small." She barely put a space between her thumb and index finger to show how 'small' she felt.
I began to encourage her and continually said she deserved way better than that. She said her husband cheated on her as well. She then divorced him. My heart ached for her because you could see that she just wanted to be loved. We talked about God for a little bit and then I was called to do something. After she was finished getting her items checked out she said, "It was nice talking to you." I agreed. Looking back, I wish I said more about God's love than what I did. Don't you hate that? Everything you would've said comes to you after that moment. That's when I have to trust God, I suppose, and let His Holy Spirit work in her.
I then had a young mother come in with her four month old baby girl. There was a pull on my spirit to help her and watch her baby as she shopped. The mom walked away to shop before I could stop her. When I saw her trying to balance clothes and her baby, I walked to her and said I could watch her daughter. She gave me a grateful smile and handed the adorable girl to me. Betsy, Taira, and I played pass the baby and the girl had a good time. She was trying to nod off to sleep but she wanted to stay awake. I suppose she thought she would be missing something if she went to sleep!
I think that's the best way to show people you care. In the ministry center, I feel like the entire summer we've tried to show the clients that their kids are our kids, too. We try to show them love and courtesy by playing with their kids and keeping them occupied and out of their mothers' hair as they shop. It doesn't hurt that we get to have a wonderful, fun time with the kids in the process! But to see the relief on the parents' faces when we offer to watch their kids is so rewarding and you feel as if you've done something right.
We had an older gentleman come into the store around 11:50am. We're closed for lunch from 12-12:30. Destry, one of our volunteers, told him we would be closing in ten minutes. The man said he walked to AO. He said this as he used his inhaler. My heart went out to him and I told Destry I would stay at the counter as the man shopped. The man began to tell me of his medical problems. He's on oxygen, has a pacemaker, asthma, and a bunch of other problems. He was so pitiful I couldn't not let him stay when everyone was gone and let him get what he needed.
Taira and Pete helped him carry his stuff home. I asked Taira how his house was and she said it was in pretty bad shape. There were oxygen tanks everywhere and the mattress of his bed was very thin. She said it was a sad sight and said she wished someone could go and just clean his house for him. He's medically disabled and we would love to get him some help. However, Angie knows him and has seen him countless of times so I suppose they know his situation a little better than we do.
It's those sorts of people we have to look after. My eyes are always freshly open to people's needs and conditions. Sometimes it's easy to forget to look past the smiles on people's faces and just assume everything is fine. We as Christians need to realize those around us may be hurting. Actually, most of the time they are and they are in need of a kind word and listening ear. The Lord has been good to me by continually keeping my eyes open to other's inside emotions. He's always showing me different needs. It's wonderful and I pray that continues.
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